"In order for me to win...you must lose"
Life is not full of strictly Zero Sum Solutions. It is full of win-win situations. On the gaming table, it's quite a different story; especially if you gamed in the same type of circles I have. There was no such thing as a co-op game. Eventually, every one would turn on every one and the victor would be the last man standing.
I started my first blog, "Welcome To Lazarus" about 7 months ago. It's dedicated to Zombie war gaming, and all things related. I have really enjoyed putting it together and getting all the feedback on it. Well, I do a lot more genres than the Zombie Apocalypse. It's become apparent to me that if I wanted to share my other gaming pursuits, I'd need to find another outlet; in order to keep "Welcome To Lazarus" true to its original intent.
Thus is born Zero Sum Solutions. This blog will be a geared towards general war gaming stuff; all the various projcts and games I am fiddling with. I'll post pics of finished miniatures and projects. There will be AARs and Battle Reports, as well as reviews and showcase different products I run across. I'll post inspirations I find as I wander across the web. Occasionally, I'll even pontificate (or bloviate depending on where you are sitting) of various gaming related subjects.
In the end, I hope that I provide you, the reader with an enjoyable stop along the information super-hiway. A stop that you'll find interesting and worth coming back to. Enjoy