Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A Ranger and a Rogue

I still like a lot of the old mini sculpts from the 80s and 90s.  Some of the old Ral Partha and Grenadier figs have held up well against the test of time.  A friend of mine gave me a big box of unpainted metal and I dig through it from time to time looking for figs to paint as a change of pace and to practice technique on.

Here are a couple of figs I did last weekend.  The same friend needed a fig for and RPG character he has, so I whipped one out for him, as well as a second one.

Ral Partha Ranger
He  had a very bad, teenage paint job from the 90's so I resurrected him. Originally, his shield was all white and had a what looked like a tree on it, so I recreated it as well.

Ral Parth Rogue
This is the fig for the RPG character.  Not sure if it'll fit the bill.  If it doesn't his group has a mountain of unpainted metal I can dig through to find the right one.

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